May 3, 2009

I’ve had the biggest crush on Lenny Kravitz since I was 12 years old. I still watch his videos and never finish listening to the songs because I still get distracted just staring at that gorgeous, gorgeous man (in my head, anyways) . Oh I could caress those beautiful tresses and talk for hours…
Zoe Kravits, however, is todays inspiration, or anti inspiration... She also happens to be superbly good-looking. More relevantly, she was featured on WWD article, "Unfussy Florals". While her look is is not super original, or signature, or unexpected, it caught some attention and made me want to argue with it. Being endlessly contrarian, I wanted those florals to be very fussy, with some capital letters! In fact, I played the fussiest songs online and started being fussy myself for the camera. That's right! Haha. Well, here is some evidence. =)

Me ha gustado mucho Lenny Kravitz desde que tenia apenas 12 anios. Todavia empiezo a ver sus videos y nunca termino de escuchar las canciones por distraerme con lo buenmozo que es (en mi gusto, de todos modos). Si pudiese acariciar esos bellos rizos y hablariamos por horas..


Pues, la inspiracion (o anti-inspiracion) de hoy, es su hija, Zoe Kraviz. Es supremamente una belleza como su padre. Mas relevantemente, ella fue tema de un articulo de moda en WWD, titulado "floridos in-quisquillosos". Aunque su atuendo no es super original, ni clasico, y tampoco muy creativo, llama mucho la antencion. Instantaneamente lo contradije, sindo contrarista al fin. Quise que esos floridos sean mayusculamente quisquillosos y feroces. Puse las canciones mas audaces en el ordenador y empece a actuar quisquillosa para la camara! Jajaja. Pues aqui esta la evidencia del acontecer.

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