Jun 21, 2009

The 12 Seconds

This song played this morning on my online station. It reminds me of a certain person.
12 segundos de oscuridad
(12 seconds in the dark)

Song By Jorge Drexler Prada, Uruguay
Translation by Maricelle Ramirez Hazim, Dominican Republic

Gira el haz de luz
para que se vea desde alta mar.
Yo buscaba el rumbo de regreso
sin quererlo encontrar.

The light beam turns
for it to be seen in the high seas.
I looked for the return course
without wanting to find it.

Pie detrás de pie
iba tras el pulso de claridad
la noche cerrada, apenas se abría,
se volvía a cerrar.

Foot after foot
I went after the pulse of clarity
the closed night, as soon it started to open,
it just closed again.
Un faro quieto nada sería
guía, mientras no deje de girar
no es la luz lo que importa, en verdad
son los 12 segundos de oscuridad.

A still lighthouse would be nothing
it guides, so long as it doesn't stop turning
it's not the light that matters, in truth
It's the 12 seconds in the dark.
Para que se vea desde alta mar…
De poco le sirve al navegante
que no sepa esperar.

So that it is seen from high seas…
Of little it serves to a mariner
who does not know to wait.
Pie detrás de pie
no hay otra manera de caminar
la noche del Cabo
revelada en un inmenso radar.

Foot after foot
there is no other way to walk
the night in Cabo
was revealed in an immense radar.
Un faro para, sólo de día,
guía, mientras no deje de girar
no es la luz lo que importa en verdad
son los 12 segundos de oscuridad.

A lighthouse stops, only by day,
it guides, so long as it does not stop turning
it's not the light which matters in truth
It's the 12 seconds in the dark.
Para que se vea desde altamar.
So that it can be seen in the open seas.
This is Drexler with one of my favorties ever, Jarabe de palo:

It started raining again. No blue day any more. Time for Mayan Chocolate!!! No matter how gray the day is, this little silk tunic always brings out a rainbow.

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